Saturday, 22 November 2008

Old Mix From the Dusty Digital Crates

So I just pulled an old mix I made off my hard drive and figured what the hell, why not put it on the blog, right? After all, that's what these blogs are for anyways. So now all two of you who read this thing can check it out. This was the mix I put together with Dj Facetico in Barcelona when we got to open for Jurassic-5 at Apolo back in 2004... or 2005? Anyways, a few years back. The mix here was the outline for the set we played live the night of the show. Anyways, check it out, if you're into that kind of golden era hip hop sort of thing.

elnomo - Gold SchoolOh, and this was a picture I took around that time too...

1 comment:

janine said...

Papicho is called Dj Face-Tick now. Pero, buenisimo, no?